Bleibt Jung und Rebeliert.

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

GERMAN - wurden / würden / werden?.

Sedikit pusing juga saya.... hehehe. Berikut penjelasannya berdasarkan forum si Muttersprache :

I am a native speaker and I will elaborate a little bit what you learn in school if you are thaught grammar in german.


werden: indicates future:
 I will do something. Ich werde etwas machen. 

werden: become e.g. a profession. 
I werde Maler. I will become a painter. Well actually it is: Ich werde Maler werden.

werden: indicates passive action: 
Ein Haus wird gebaut. A house is beeing built.
 (well this sentece in english has the continuos form as well which is not the sense of the german one.) Passive action would be as well: Man baut ein Haus.

werden: Ein Haus wird gebaut werden. is future. But be carefull there are two future forms in correct german but no one actually cares. Ein Haus wird gebaut worden sein - the future action has been finished while the former sentece does not say that the action has been completed in the future.


wurden: is past of werden in the sense of became. 
I became a painter. Ich wurde Maler. 

wurden: is past of werden in the sense of passive action: 
Das Haus wurde gebaut. The house was built.

geworden: is a partizp of werden to form the two perfekt forms. 
Das Haus ist gebaut worden - Present perfect. I do not think you can distinguish this in english - The house has been built.

geworden: Das Haus war gebaut worden. 
The house was beeing built.


würden : would : indirect speech: 
he said he would do something. Er sagte, er würde etwas tun.

Konjunktiv: Würde ich gehen, käme ich pünktlich. 
Wenn ich gehen würde, dann käme ich püntklich. 
If I went, I would come in time. 

FYI: But keeping with the former sentence one could say as well: Ginge ich, käme ich pünktlich. (Ginge is the Konjunktiv form of gehen).

There are wo forms of Konjunktiv in german: The following is completed action but still konjuktiv in the sense of, what happens in the future if the action would be completed in the future. 

Würde ich gegangen sein, käme ich pünktlich.
If I would have gone, I would come in time.

I hope you are not to confused. Do forget about the two complicated forms of future and konjunktiv. No one speaks or writes in this manner. But with these forms you can exactly express a situation without many words. If you ask me I think it is a pitty that the complexity of a language and thus the liveliness of a language goes down the drain. Actually this is what makes a language beautiful. 

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